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So that the baby is difficult to sleep is not difficult to handle

Parents who have babies often complain of lack of sleep at night because children wake up several times to suckle. Sometimes after that, the baby has trouble falling asleep again and stays awake all night. This kind of obstacle is common to parents of newborn babies. Newborns generally spend most of their time sleeping. Starting at age 3 or 4 months, babies are generally able to sleep for at least five consecutive hours. However, the conditions can be different for each baby.

Cause Infants Sleepless

Even though they always seem to be sleeping, they rarely spend many hours in a row to sleep. His sleep will be divided into different times. Babies can sleep for an hour, then wake up 30 minutes and fall back asleep. This is because the sleep cycle of babies, especially newborns, is not yet like an adult. They undergo more rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phases that are important for their growth and development. Please note that the condition of the baby's sleeplessness can also be caused by changes in routine, such as when traveling long distances or getting sick.

Overcoming Infants Difficult to Sleep

In order for your little one to fall asleep easily and you get enough rest, here are some tips for dealing with insomnia that you can apply:
  • Set your child's schedule

  • In the morning until noon, as far as possible organize routine activities with the same pattern so that the baby drinks milk, plays, and prepares to sleep at approximately the same time each day.
  • Play during the day

  • Activities throughout the day can make the baby sleep more soundly at night. Stimulate the baby with a variety of entertainment for babies, such as singing. During the day, make sure the house is well lit.
  • Take a shower or read a bedtime story

  • Form of routine daily activities before going to bed, such as bathing, reading books, or listening to music. Over time, the baby will get used to and associate this activity with sleep. But avoid implementing new routines when the child is sick.
  • Recognize signs of the sleepy Little

  • When the baby seems sleepy, put him in bed so he can get used to sleeping by itself. Sleepy children can be characterized by rubbing their eyes, yawning, watery eyes, fussing, and tugging at their ears. Therefore, do not be too late to put the baby to bed. The physical condition of the baby who is too tired actually makes the baby more difficult to sleep. If not, he tends to wake up faster.
  • Use dim lights

  • Use a low light when your baby wants to suckle at night, so he will quickly fall back asleep.
  • Teach Your Little Difference between day and night

  • Teach your baby to differentiate between day and night, for example by turning off the lights at night.
  • Do not invite Little to play when awake

  • When he wakes up at night, avoid inviting him to interact or respond to his "invitation" to play. Also avoid giving him toys so he knows that night is not the time to play.
But if the baby is still having trouble sleeping soundly at night, don't worry, because there are other ways you can try. Bathe the baby with warm water, give a light massage to the baby's body, wear comfortable nightgowns, and feed the baby at night before going to sleep or when he wakes up. Consistency in doing this routine will make the baby feel safe and sleep more comfortably. Remember that not all strategies can work, because each child and parenting style is different for each parent. Some parents like to let their babies wake up at night, because it is considered a normal thing, but some are not in agreement. The most important thing is to avoid setting standards too high, both for yourself and the baby.


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